Holy crap!
Whoa. Them crazy kids blow stuff
up fast!
Meh. I could've done it in half the
time, all by myself.
I would've been even faster. I'd
just pull the whole town into the Void and...
Will you two shut up already?
You lost your ultimate powers when you were defeated, so you couldn't have destroyed this
town any faster, if at all. Now, I, on the other hand...
...can't do anything to cause mass
destruction because of your contract with Macc, just like the rest of us.
Watch it, squid. Nothing in my
contract about not causing you serious bodily harm.
...I'll be good.
I don't see Santa anywhere... looks
like we missed him.
Well, guess that means we can
all go home now!
Wait a minute, guys. Check this
out. *shows the others a business card, which reads: "Cossack Co. For all your
communism-promoting needs."*
A red. Figures. I'd say
"Finally Santa shows his true colors", but he's always been red to begin with.
...you're red too.
So? I like red. Just because
those commies got good tastes in colors doesn't mean I like 'm.
...but you do anyway, right?
Yep! How'd you guess?
*sighs* Well, we're gonna have to
stop 'm, of course... Good thing there's an address on the card. In Siberia, that figures.
Siberia? How the heck are we
supposed to get way over there?
Mr. T's van is helluva fast, foo!
Indeed. Shouldn't take us more than
a couple of minutes. This could be tough, though. Lemme call in some backup... *takes out
a mobile phone*
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