Ladies and gentleman, please welcome
my very first guest: Setzer Gabbiani!
Thank you, thank you... you're too
kind. Autographs after the show...
Setzer, this show isn't taped before
a live studio audience.
No? Oh well, I'm sure that if
there were an audience, there'd have been one heck of an applause.
Ummm... yeah. So, Setzer, what've
you been up to recently?
Oh, I've started my own business.
Oh really? What are you dealing in?
Airships? Gambling accessories?
No, man. I'm selling these fine
leather jackets. Want one?
Ummm, not now, thanks. So why a job?
I thought you were a carefree spirit, gambling like there's no tomorrow and flying around
in an airship...
Well, it's a long story... but
hey, this is a talkshow right? Let me start at the beginning...
Oh no you don't.
Excuse me?
Ultros, shut up! Just when I was
getting somewhere with the interview...
I'm not going to listen to long
stories, you don't pay me enough for that.
I'm not paying you at all!'re not? Then why the heck
did my agent agree to this stupid contract?
Bribed him.
Oh great. I should've known better
than to hire Gilgamesh as my agent.
Well anyway, getting back to my
If I get my tentacles on him,
Hey, can I come out yet?
*panting* Okay. That's better. Now
you all listen to me, and listen good. Setzer, get outta here. Strago...
But I haven't finished my...
Strago, you can come out now.
Ultros, play the music.
Um, let's see, that's this button,
Click here to continue.