Hey, Seiken Densetsu 3 music.
Yep. And that's a good idea for a
new topic, what's your favorite RPG music?
Wow, tough one.
Processing... system error, hit
Actual music track, or fav type of
RPG music?
Well, since Zero is having
difficulties, let's not make it a single music track, narrows it down a bit.
*long silence*
Heh, too hard to make a choice.
I can hear the (Xeno?)gears
Not from me, lack of Playstation.
Oh, you too huh?
Ah! The heroic theme in Xenogears,
kicks ass.
Dammit, what did I do, I should
NEVER have brought up Xenogears. (note to audience: Don't try to understand this, it's
something between SB and me)
Oops. Ahem well, 'sides XG, I
kinda like the Shinra theme, kinda like a modern villain theme like Microsoft.
Heh heh... Shinra and Microsoft,
let's list the similarities!
Lessee, evil... ummm, evil...
and... evil?
Bill Gates... ah wait no... then
again, he may start looking like the president of Shinra if he eats more donuts.
*takes a pic of Bill Gates and
Hojo* Hmmm...
I knew Hojo was mixed up in all this
Yeah, well, all evil scientists have
a root.
I often say "You damn
Microsoft!" whenever my computer crashes.
And the similarity here would be...
you say "You damn Shinra!" whenever...?
Well, Barret says "You damn
Shinra!" a million times.
Yes, but we aren't all Barret, now
are we? Would be cool to have a personality like Mr. T though.
(in a Mr.T-like voice) You
lookin' at me?
Anyway, moving on... howzabout
favorite battle music?
(in a Mr.T-like voice) I pity
the foo who changes the topic without my express permission.
I REALLY like the last battle theme
from Romancing SaGa 3.
Hey! Zero! Are you listening? I DO
NOT condone this sudden topic change!
....Okay, ummm.... so what's you're
favorite battle music?
Heh. One Winged Angel is cool.
I just said mine, too lazy to repeat
I wasn't listening, too busy
grinding my teeth.
Ah! FF4 boss music!
The one I'm listening is neat too,
but not the best.
Well, what ARE you listening to then
in your headphon-o-matic or whatever you got plugged into those circuits of yours?
FF8 final boss.
Gaaaah!! No spoiler!! I never
heard it yet.
You consider music a spoiler, SB?
Well it might be.
Not really...
Funny, that's one of the few
exceptions to my rule of spoilers. Hey Zero, let's spoil it for him and everyone else by
playing it now!
NO! Please, I'll be good!
Well, FF8 is out now, so it won't be
too long before you hear it anyway. ...and so, I have decided! I'm playing FF8, final boss
music, right here, right now. Better cover your ears, Spoony!
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