...but then, perhaps this is not the right time... *backs away*

What's the matter, lost your nerve? *advances slowly*

...hardly... just trying... to get you... to stand right THERE! *takes out a remote control with a single red button*

What the...

*pushes the button*

Ahhh! What the hell did you do??

Oh, just a little energy containment field. You're not getting out of there, don't even try. It's one of them fancy containment fields where the more effort you put into getting through, the stronger it gets.

D... dammit!

Ha ha ha ha ha... well now, it does look like the show is mine after all now, doesn't it? And why stop there? I'll take over your entire HQ while I'm at it. And with you out of the way, there's nothing to stop me from slowly expanding my influence, until at last I shall rule the world! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!

Geez... I never realised that my evil side would be so stereotypical.

Shut up! I will have no more of your foolish attempts at humor!

Well, that's just too bad, seeing as pretty much the only things I can still do at the moment are cracking jokes and annoying you.

Very well then, have your fun... it won't last. And YOU there, watching the show... enjoy your final days as freely thinking individuals! Soon you shall all be my slaves!

Oh yeah, like that kind of pep-talk is gonna get you any loyal followers.

Hey, it worked for Edea, didn't it?

...I hate it when you're right. So errr... could any of you viewers maybe, I dunno... come over and HELP ME!!!

Oh yeah, like that would work... noone can defeat me, because as your evil side, I am the things you hate most. That means I'm also one of those lamers who will simply refuse to admit getting hurt... ever!

Oh, for crying out loud...

Ha ha ha... this show is at an end. The fate of the world has been sealed...

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