Meanwhile, at the Mysidian Movie Theatre...
Well, that movie was...
Interesting, yes, but a total chick flick.
I thought it was extremely emotionally stimulating.
Stop repeating everything I say, Mazrim.
I didn't think there was enough stuff blowing up myself
actually, so there goes that theory.
So what will we do next?
I don't know... I have this nagging feeling I'm forgetting
Did you forget to turn the iron off?
OH MY GOD!!! ...oh, wait a second, no, I did that.
Perhaps it's the oven you forgot to turn off?
I don't think so... well, it's probably nothing. Let's just
go for a burger or something.
Back on the FARTS set...
*is now next to Final Fantasy IV's Cid, also frozen*
So why are you wearing that stupid hat, anyway?
Hey! I'll have you know this is
the latest fashion style where I come from!
Remind me to never visit your world.
Well, at least it's cooler than
that stupid straw hat black mages wear.
You wish. Okay, I think that about wraps up our
interview. Move on over to that big couch in the back.
Okiedokie. *walks over to the
Hey Cid.
Hey Cid.
...I can't believe that wouldn't get confusing. And
it's bound to get worse as we bring more of these guys out. Anyway, that was Final Fantasy
III's Cid, the president of NERD, the National Establishment of Real Dorks. Now then, onto
Final Fantasy IV's Cid... oh, right. Hey, can someone defrost this guy?
*Retro Hippies come out, armed with flamethrowers*
Well, let's just bring out Final Fantasy V's Cid in the
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