Back in Dr. Doppler's lab...

Y'know, Gilgamesh... you were in the narrator's booth, you could've said something to instantly get rid of Joutei for us.

Uh... I guess so.

So why didn't you?

You didn't ask.

Gah... I really aught to get me some flunkies who'll show some initiative every once in a while...


Right, sorry doc. Please go ahead with the explanation.

All right. As near as I can figure, the beam you were hit by was in fact based on the concept of moving its target backward in time. I believe the plan was to move you back to a point in time where you didn't exist, effectively erasing you from existance.

Whoa. That's a pretty frightening ability. So what went wrong?

Nothing, except that exposure was simply not long enough. The beam reduced you to a past form, but since you were in a future form, the form you were reduced to actually is a future form in itself.

Okay, back up, my head is spinning...

I think that basically, the point is that the form you have now is a future form, just not as far into the future as the Mirai Macc form.

Well, I don't look very different... I don't feel very different either.

Perhaps, but there must be some subtle differences... you will have to discover them over time.

Huh, I see... y'know, it's odd that Dark Macc changed with me. This evil side personification thing must be more complex than I thought.

Hey guys, what's going on here?

Celes? Well, we're basically discussing my new look. But why are you here?

You don't look a heck of a lot different to me. As for why I'm here... I sensed things were getting too serious, so I felt my presence was required.

Oh. Yeah, you're right. I guess this would be a good time for something completely nonsensical to happen.

*runs by in a blur* Yoink!

Aw dammit, not again! ...oops, looks like we forgot someone.

That's him! That shadowy figure stole my helmet, too!

Oooh, want me to use Megid again?

I wanna do it! Let me take care of him!

No, wait! Everybody hold on... there's something familiar about this.

That's what I thought, too. He used one of my lines before, how dare he!

Okay, you... that's a dead end, there's nowhere to run now. Stop hiding, and show us what you look like.

Aw... okay. *steps into the light*


Hee hee...

What? What is it? Do you know this guy?

No, but he has...

A STEAL CANE!!! Where did you get that?

It's mine! ...well technically, it's two Steal Canes combined, or something.

Double Gasp!

The power of two Steal Canes combined... that could throw the whole space-time continuum out of balance!

Gee, you really think so?

No, not really. But it'd probably screw up the monkey/pink goat balance, and that's almost as bad!

Yikes! I hadn't considered that... I'm sorry... I'll give back all the stuff I stole.

Am I missing something here?

Looks like this guy can understand Celes' logic...

Of course I can! I am Celes! Well, sorta... I'm you, as well. *points at Macc*

Triple Gasp!

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