...okay, so you're a strong one. Doesn't mean a thing if you can't use your strength properly. You must be one of those big muscles-for-brains guys. Well, we'll see how tough you really are. Kefka! Exdeath! Front and center!

A tumbleweed rolls by.

...damn, they ran away.

Well then... time to put you out of my misery. ...wait. You remind me of someone...

Hey, back off. He's mine.

...very well. If you wish to save me the effort, then by all means...

You know, this would be an excellent moment for...

We're here!

How convenient. Now, throw that tall spiky-haired version of you in front of us and let's get out of here.

Um... I hope you're kidding...

...what? You want to run? That's not at all like you, Darkie.

Do my eyes deceive me? I thought the other looked familiar, but you... you are identical. It is an odd experience, but all the same a pleasure to meet you, Yang.

Huh? Yang? You must have me confused with that karate guy from Fabul. My name's Macc.

Of course it is...

What? That's ridulous! I'm...


*is engulfed in flames*


Don't forget about me!

Drak? What are you guys doing here?

Well you know the old saying... when noone else is available, have random RPGC members come in to save the day.

...since when is that a saying?

Since now, when I was looking for a convenient excuse to show up again.

Fair enough.

Fools! You think a few fireballs can stop me?

Maybe not, but it sure lit you up, didn't it?

Mac?? But that's... oh. Oh I get it. So now we have to deal with a Mac from a parallel universe who's actually strong?

If I wasn't strong, I wouldn't be the Maverick Emperor, now would I?

Maverick Emperor? You!? AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

*pokes Vegeta* Hey... are you okay?

Do I look okay? ...wise guy...

...on the other hand, if you beat Vegeta... hmmm.

I don't have time for this. Prepare to fry!

No... I think not. *touches Mac's shoulder*

Guh! *collapses*

...oh, come on! ...now, of course we all know he could only do that because I weakened him already.

Of course, Orakio.

You're mocking me, aren't you?

Um, guys? Big shadowy figure still standing there.

So 'Maverick Emperor' Mac takes out Vegeta with relative ease, then this guy takes out Mac without any effort whatsoever... what makes you think we aren't royally screwed here?

Er... maybe he's friendly?

I wouldn't bet on it. Not after I just dropped Lavos on his head.

Wonderful. Now, could we at least get some lighting on this guy so we can see what he looks like?

(through the intercom) Never fear, Rampage is here.

Ah, Ramp, great. Put the spotlight on this shadowy figure, won't you?

(through the intercom) Uh, sure. Place is a mess, but I think I can do that. Hmmm... lessee. Maybe... this button?

*falls through a trap door, cursing all the way down*

...I am so not going to be the one who explains this one to him. Ramp, it's the top left button of the console to the right of that one.

(through the intercom) Oh, okay... should be... this one?

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