You know the drill: Meanwhile, back at the FARTS set...
So then, I dealt the Blue Imp a
harsh blow!
Hey! Are you listening?
*snort* Huh? Oh, yeah yeah yeah,
You didn't hear a word I said, did
you? Great, now I have to start the story all over again!
Oh no you don't! I, uh, think
we're out of time. Yeah, that's it.
Bah, you just don't want to listen
to my story!
If you want to put it that
way... no, I don't.
Some talkshow host you are. This is
even worse than when you were hosting the mailbag!
Alright, now we're definately
out of time. Or at least you are. *pushes the Big Red Button*
I regret nothiiiiiiinggggg! *falls
through a plot hole*
Ahh, haven't done that in so
long. Good ol' nostalgia. *sniffs, and wipes away a tear*
I would say that this was all a
very bad idea, but it was my idea, so it was obviously brilliant. I'll have to blame it on
your collective incompetance instead.
Well you have to admit, the guests
weren't exactly the kind we could get along with very well... heck, Zero and Freedan are still
*from afar* Your hair is so
greasy, you could fry a chicken in it!
*from afar* Oh yeah? Well your
hair is so greasy, if you went for a swim in the sea, they'd think you were an oil slick!
Bah! I'm sticking with my
incompetance theory. Now where's Gilgamesh? Oh, wait, he ran away, right?
He sure did. He was gone pretty
much right after this whole thing got started.
Figures. Piano Boy, you're up!
I'm assuming that means me.
Your powers of deductive reasoning
are astounding.
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