Later, in the commissary...
So... you're human, then?
Not exactly... partially, yes. I've always known that I
was. But my organs don't function properly without their artificial enhancements. Heck, I
wouldn't even be able to move right now without the enhancements added to my central
nervous system. It wasn't an operation that had been done before, and as far as I know, it
was never done again. Not after I, uh... caused some complications. But that's not really
something I like to talk about.
How long ago did all this happen?
I'm not sure. I got a lot of memories back, but some of it
is still foggy. I have no idea how much time passed in between some of them. All I know
for sure is that after I got away from Noah, my escape pod crashed somewhere. The wounds I
sustained in the crash were so severe that even if I survived, I would have been
completely paralysed for the rest of my life. I lost consciousness, and the next thing I
remember is waking up after the operation.
Who help you, anyway?
...That's one thing I still don't quite remember. I'm just
glad they did what they did, whoever they were. Well, I am now, anyway. I used to be none
too pleased with it, and considered myself a freak of nature. The reason I was trying to
make so much money before was to fund research that would eventually allow me to become a
full reploid. But they still haven't found a way to transfer information from a human
brain to a CPU...
What if they find a way to do that now, would you still
go ahead with it?
No. Not anymore. I'd already decided that after I met Kai.
That certainly made me thankful I still possess certain human parts, if you know what I
...okay, I'm sure none of us wanted to know that
Where is Kai now, anyway?
... She's here, but... we had a bit of an argument. I
don't want to talk about it.
And I for one don't blame you.
Yeah... Maz and Lun know about what happened. You can ask
them if you really want to know. I just... I have to be alone for a while.
Sure man, we understand. Take all the time you need.
Yeah, dude. Hope you can reslove all it.
It's not every day you find out something like this...
best of luck sorting things out.
I can only imagine how confusing this must all be.
Maybe things'll make more sense to you after you take some time to think it over.
Thanks guys... I think I'll do that. *stands up and turns
to leave*
Time does heal all wounds, Macc... if you'll let it.
...I know I'm not really the main focus of attention
right now, but I sure hope Time will heal this one soon, too.
How did you here with that piano still on your back,
Don't ask.
...Julian, is that you?
Uh, no...
This is so confusing...
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