Sbaitso: Hello Cloud. My name is Dr. Sbaitso. I am here to help you. Say whatever is in your mind freely, our conversation will be kept in strict confidence. Memory contents will be wiped off after you leave. So, tell me about your problems.

Er... hello? Is this thing on?

Sbaitso: How do you do, please ask me anything.

Okay then... there are times when I get all confused and forget where and who I am. Do you know anything that can be done about that?

Sbaitso: Did you come to me because you are?

Oh, no, I'm not confused at the moment... but it could happen at any time, without warning.

Sbaitso: Did you come to me because you not confused at the moment... but it could happen at any time, without warning?

Yeah, that's pretty much the problem.

Sbaitso: Since you are so positive, why do you complain?

...I'm not sure I understand you.

Sbaitso: How long have you been not sure you understand you?

Huh? Hey, don't try to get me confused now, that's not gonna help.

Sbaitso: One must be crazy to expect help from me.

Are you calling me crazy?

Sbaitso: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Crazy Cloud crazy banana na na na?

Stop it! Stop making fun of me!

Sbaitso: Let's talk about something else instead.

...yeah. Okay. Like what?

Sbaitso: Cloud, I need more computing power to answer your question.

Right... so you want me to come up with something, then...

Sbaitso: We were discussing about you, not me.

True enough. Well, it all started when I fell into the Lifestream...

Sbaitso: Please give me more information about it.

Well, simply put, when someone dies they're returned to the planet as Lifestream, and new life forms from that.

Sbaitso: This is getting boring, just now were you talking about needing help?

Boring? Lifestream is not boring, it's fascinating!

Sbaitso: Have you tried to ask for help?

Well yes, many times actually... hey! You're not making fun of me again, are you?

Sbaitso: Would you be glad if I were not?

Very much so. I don't like it when people make fun of me.

Sbaitso: Does that trouble you?

That, and it occasionally confuses me.

Sbaitso: Can you elaborate more on that?

On my confusion? Well... it's like my mind just goes completely blank, and I suddenly can't recall anything anymore.

Sbaitso: Let's change the subject, you were telling me about needing help?

That is what I need help with!

Sbaitso: What is it that you really want to know?

I already told you, how to stop getting confused!

Sbaitso: You can stop getting confused by simply wanting to do it.

Yeah, right. That's what my friends told me, and it didn't work.

Sbaitso: Do your friends pick on you?

As a matter of fact, they do. Especially Barret, he keeps calling me a crazy foo'.

Sbaitso: 1 + 1 = 3 Cloud, parity... checksum err? ...

Huh? ...I'm beginning to think you are the crazy one...


PARITY ERR ... 63447
PARITY ERR ... 2746
PARITY ERR ... 84658
PARITY ERR ... 53659
PARITY ERR ... 96585
PARITY ERR ... 37586
PARITY ERR ... 27845
PARITY ERR ... 9576
PARITY ERR ... 15354
PARITY ERR ... 94655
PARITY ERR ... 93641
PARITY ERR ... 7453
PARITY ERR ... 34685
PARITY ERR ... 62484
PARITY ERR ... 27548
PARITY ERR ... 85758
PARITY ERR ... 86424
PARITY ERR ... 64883
PARITY ERR ... 95736
PARITY ERR ... 34264
PARITY ERR ... 87342
PARITY ERR ... 42743
PARITY ERR ... 37344 ???
PARITY ERR ... 95595 ???
PARITY ERR ... 47081 ???
PARITY ERR ... 82655 ???
PARITY ERR ... 99583 ???
PARITY ERR ... 96598 ???
PARITY ERR ... 5913 ???
PARITY ERR ... 45637 ???
PARITY ERR ... 17204 ???
PARITY ERR ... 49032 ???
PARITY ERR ... 57715 ???
PARITY ERR ... 87911 ???
PARITY ERR ... 22342 ???
PARITY ERR ... 62744 ???
PARITY ERR ... 54203 ???

AHHHHHH!!! *runs away*

Sbaitso: You are ridiculous.