Well Ultros, there goes that theory of yours that noone dies on camera. Ew, this is disgusting. And I thought those Cids were everywhere before...

Don't tell me...

Fine, I won't tell you. You know what to do.

....... *sighs and grabs a mop*

Well I guess that's all the guests for today, so I don't think there's anything left to do but... hey! What are you two doing there?

Eep! *run away*

Phew, that was close. If they'd managed to do whatever they were planning, I might have been in trouble. But now there is nothing left to worry ab...

Hey you!


...what do you want?

My Pikachu of course! How could you put him in a Pokéball like that? He hates that!

Don't listen to the dork, Pikachu! Come here!

...chu! *jumps in Kunoichi's arms*

Heh heh... sorry Ash, but I don't think he "likechu" anymore.

That's nonsense! You must have brainwashed him, or something! In fact, you two are probably Team Rocket in disguise! Okay, I'm taking Pikachu back right now! Bulbasaur, go! *throws Pokéball*


Oh yeah? Well I...

Wait a minute, Macc! I'll take care of this!

Wha? A talking Dratini?

It's me, Dragon Sage!

Oh, I see. Looks like you finally got your wish huh?

Yeah, I'm on your show! Woohoo!

Hello? I don't have all day here!

Well alright then, time to...

At this precise moment, the lights go out.

Oh for crying out loud! Now what?

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