Oh my gosh! What happened here?

Oh, nothing special... Team Rocket shows up, my HQ falls apart at the seams... the usual.

Oops. Yeah, that'd be my fault. Team Rocket, I mean.

Huh? How so?

Well I was on this mission for Rast, and...

Wait a minute, hold on there... a mission for Rast? You work for me, remember?


Eheheh... don't mind Wonder Boy, he doesn't know what he's saying.

But I do. So he's been moonlighting, huh?

Well, not really. I'm not paying him, after all.

That makes two of us. Well, as long as you've got him doing stuff for you, be sure to try and get him hurt in the process.

I'll send him to do everything I find too tedious and/or too dangerous, how's that sound?

Sounds good to me.

Right. We'll be off then. *leaves with Wonder Boy*

And good riddance... stupid Wonder Boy couldn't even get hurt properly. Hopefully that will change now.

Hey hey! ...whoa, this place is a mess.

Hey, Zero... and everyone else. Guys, you'd better stay right where you are, or you might fall through the floor. It's REALLY unstable.

Shoddy construction, huh?

Well, yeah... that and the HQ's been through a lot lately.

I guess you could say you really brought the house down with that last show.

Are you sure it's safe to stand here?

Actually, no I'm not. I really should get this building fixed up cheap somehow.

Anything we can do to help?

...tell you what, whoever wants to help out with the incredibly tedious task of rebuilding my HQ, take a step forward.

*take a step backwards... and promptly fall through the floor*

Huh? ...aw, nuts.

Looks like you're it, Merlin! Here, take this, you'll need it!

Er... well, I guess I can't but agree, seeing as how things do tend to fall on my head a lot. But what about Kunoichi and Celes?

Kunoichi was gone as soon as she heard the word "help". As for Celes... why ARE you still here anyway? You mean you want to help too?


Oh, I wouldn't dream of making you do hard work, like Merlin. But it would be great to have you on as a staff member.

Well, okay, I guess. What do I have to do?

Hm... for now, how about you help out in the commissary a bit?

Well, I'd love to, but you see I've already made plans to go bowling with God so I'll be unavailable today. I mean I wouldn't want to hurt God's feelings. I promised God first so you know. It's not like I don't want to I mean I do but there are also those wild dingos running around in my house and well I have to help catch them right now so I've got to go. I mean you wouldn't want dingos to eat my babies would you? Well I don't have any now but I might some time in the future and if there are still dingos here well clearly then they would like try to eat my baby if I do have one sometime in the future......

Errr... oooookay. Maybe later then.

So Macc, you're not gonna make me do this all my own, are you?

Of course not! You'll be the head of a skilled team of construction workers.

Great. So where are they?

*wave* Hiiiiiii!

........ *thud*

Heh heh heh... well if there's anything left of my HQ by then, I guess I'll be seeing you again for the next episode of... FARTS!

With a loud crash, another section of the floor collapses, and Macc, Merlin, Kefka, Zeromus and Exdeath plummet downwards.

Hee hee! I'm too cute to get hurt! *wink*

What's going on? Where is everybody? Ow, my head...

Grumble grumble... cleaning up gibs... stupid job...

Hey! Get that mop out of my face! I'm not dead, dammit!

Okay, this has gone on long enough. Listen, all you pitiful humans watching the show. You'd better watch again next time or I will hunt you down. You got that? Good. *blows up the camera*

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