And so, a crew of assembled RPG Characters you will never all see together in the same game ever again set out to rescue Butz, Lenna and Faris and defeat Exdeath! However, before that they will run into many hardships... and many corny conversations. So be sure to watch the main page of RPG Classics for updates to Macc's HQ! The adventure will continue...
But for now, you've completed the ARGH. However, have you seen everything you can see? Did you know that so far, there are 2 ways to end the game prematurely? And did you try each and every option available to you? If you've answered no to either of these questions (actually, if the answer to the second question was no, the answer to the first question would have to be no as well, but that's not the point) then I recommend you try the game again sometime to see what you've missed!
See you soon!
Hey! Wait up! You forgot about me!
Geez, and people tell me I'm forgetful. Can't imagine what gives them that idea.
...hmmm? What was I doing? Oh yeah. Hey, wait! I wanna come too!
Yeah, me too!
Waaah! Golbez!
What? Where? Oh, oops. REVERT!
Sorry 'bout that.
If you ever do that again, you'll
be sorry alright! I'll have you know that I possess the legendary spell of Meteo!
Meteo? Feh. Doesn't everyone?
Besides, you haven't even got enough MP to cast it, gramps. You'll just die again if you
try. Not that that matters in a world where nobody ever seems to die. ...Tellah? Where'd
you go? Hey, wait for me!
Pitiful creatures... I'll get them
No, I'll get 'em!
No, me! Me! I wanna do it! I
wanna do it!!
Calm down Gilgamesh, there's
plenty of 'em to go around.
Shut up you two! There won't be
anything left for you after I'm through! Uwee hee hee!!
Well, then we'll just have to
beat you to it!
Ha! Fat chance! I'll get to them
way before you will, 'cause I've got access to the most powerful magic known to man! So
long, suckers! Uwee hee hee! *vanishes*
Drat! But I won't be beaten so
easily! Hey, Chupon, I'm coming aboard! Follow those heroes!
*swoops down and picks up Ultros*
Hey! What about me? Ultros, you
said we'd get 'em together!
Mwa ha ha, I lied! Seeya!
Damn, now what am I gonna do?
Wait, what was I thinking? I'm the fastest runner in Final Fantasy! I'll just follow on
foot, and I'll catch up in no time! *starts running*
Looks like we're the only ones
Yep, everyone else has left town.
Well, you know what that means.
Yep, no barkeep around.
And you know what that
Yep, free beer.
Time to get drunk.
Beats being dead.
Yeah, you know what they say...
in heaven's there's no beer.
*hic* Liar!
Hey Gestahl, there's a drunken angel
floating above your head.
Yeah right, I'm not falling for
that again.
No really, I'm serious.
Hah! If there's a drunken angel
floating above my head, I'm the frog king.
Ummm, Gestahl? You'd better choose
your words more carefully in the future...
Ribbit. What do you mean?
Oh, nothing...
Do you want to begin the game anew or quit for today?