Cyan listens to your tale of who you are, where you come from, and how you entered this world. He looks genuinely concerned when you finish.

Wait here, my friend, I know some people who can help thee.

Cyan goes to the back of the tavern and comes back with Mog and Umaro. Umaro grabs you by the arms and starts dragging you out of the tavern!

Hey, let me go! What gives?

I am sorry, but thou art obviously very ill. "Web pages"? "Computer games"? I hath never heard of such nonsense. The men in white coats do not exist yet, so I called the men in white fur.

What? I'm not crazy! It's true, all of it! Please believe me!

Umaro, the patient needs rest... Kupo!


Hey, now wait a...

SMACK! Umaro knocks you out cold. When you wake up, you find yourself in a small isolation cell...


Sometimes, telling the truth isn't the best course of action... how would YOU feel if someone told you were actually just a character from a computer game?

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