...Dark Macc.

Say WHAT?!

*slowly walks on stage, audience boos*

I can't BELIEVE you invited HIM! And I can't believe he actually showed up, either.

Of course he did. He's a sucker for media attention, aren't you, Dark Macc?

Shut up. The only reason I came to your stupid show is to take control of it.

Oh, I see... and just how would you do that?

Don't forget, I know all your weaknesses...

And I know all of yours.

Ummm, guys?

Shut up!

Sheesh... look guys, this isn't getting you anywhere. Let me handle this, Macc.

Sorry Rast, this is my fight. Please leave.

Are you sure? I could...

I'm sure. This is between me and... me.

Well... alright then. Good luck. *chants, then disappears*

Now... you were saying?

I was saying that I know all your weaknesses... time to exploit one right now! *throws a Pokéball*


Oh great, another Pikachu... I don't see what that has to do with any weakness though.

Well, I know you cannot refuse a challenge to a Pokémon battle, so I hereby challenge you!

Ha! You're on! You couldn't have picked a worse way to settle our differences... a game of Starcraft I might have lost, but beating you at Pokémon will be a snap.

Heh heh heh... we'll see.

Indeed we shall!

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