But just when Dark Macc is about to speak...
Hey, is this a Pokémon battle?
Alright, I'll challenge whoever's fighting!
Oh great, looks like Exdeath's
Huh? What are you talking about? I'm
Well that doesn't mean much right
now, because you see...
Hey! That guy looks like me!
Hey! That guy looks like me!
......THREE Ashes?
Hey Ash.
Hey Ash.
Hey Ash.
Well, this is annoying.
I'm seeing triple? Okay, who spiked
the hot dogs?
Hey! I'm right here! Pay
attention to me, dammit!
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Ash who?
Gesundheit! Hee hee hee...
Fwa ha ha! Good one!
...I don't get it.
Well, now at least it's obvious
who's who... and that joke sucked, Gogo.
*reverts* I thought it wasn't too
bad, actually...
As for the other two Ashes... make
sure they stay out of this, Gilgamesh.
You can count on me! ...not!
*runs away*
*sigh* ...okay Zell, why don't you
do something?
Awright! Now I get to pick on
someone for a change! We'll see who's the chicken wuss now!
Okay, show me what you got! Bring out
your Pokém... *is punched out by Zell*
Fwa ha ha! You're no match for me!
I'll smite you with my mighty... *brings a hand to his side, and takes out a...*
...Pokédex? *is punched out by Zell*
OHHHH YEAH! I rule! Ha ha! Yaaaaah!
Alright already, Zell, we get the
*coughs* Okay, where were we? Oh,
right. Your move, Dark Macc...
*snort* Huh? What? Oh. Right.
Ahem. Very clever, Rast, but your efforts will be in vain! Behold MY three best... TRAP
Yelp! *falls through the trap door
that opens beneath him*
1000000-TON WEIGHT!
Hey, wait a m... *is flattened by
an extraordinarily large weight with "1000000 T" written on it*
ROARRRRRrrrrr.... *is sucked
into the Void through a large black portal*
Hey! That's not fair!
Duh. What made you think I'd
fight fair?
Hmmm, good point. Well, now what?
You tell me.
Say, Rast... why don't you let me
take over for a while?
I dunno... last time I let you do
that, you got yourself caught.
Don't worry, it won't be like that
this time. I came prepared.
Well, if you're sure...
I am. Hey, I got an idea. The others
are waiting outside, why don't you go get them?
Consider it done! *runs outside
through the hole in the wall*
Now then... *cracks his knuckles*
...choose your weapons, Dark Macc!
Hmmm... how about this? *holds
up a Boggle set*
*thud* (!)
Click here to continue.
(!): Sound of the generic anime "fall over in surprise" bit.