And here he is, Final Fantasy
II's Cid!
Ahem... I SAID... Final Fantasy
II's Cid!
*walk on stage, arguing*
Dammit, I'm telling you, I'M Final
Fantasy II's Cid!
Yer nuts, everyone knows I'M Final
Fantasy II's Cid!
Ah dammit, I thought this might
happen... okay, let me clear this up for the folks at home... that 8-bit guy is the Cid
from Final Fantasy II, the REAL one, the one for the NES, only brought out in Japan...
while the 16-bit guy is from Final Fantasy II US, which is actually Final Fantasy IV.
Everyone already knows that,
........ *blasts Rirse* Now, as
I was saying...
Wait a minute, what just happened?
Oh, that was Rirse. He asked
Macc to be on the show a long time ago, and get killed in some nasty way. I just complied
with his request.
...why would anyone request being
killed on the show?
Beats me, but at least he got
his wish.
Hey! Move aside, you
spotlight-hogging youngster!
No way gramps, these are MY five
minutes of fame!
SHUT UP! *pushes a button on his
*a large cannon rises out of the floor and fires at Final Fantasy IV's Cid, freezing him in a block of ice*
Alright, you're first. Any
problems with that?
No, sir.
Good. Now then, first of all, I
understand that you died. So how can you be on this show anyhow?
Actually, I didn't die, I just
faked it so I had a good excuse to give that damn airship away. You have any idea how much
upkeep those things require?
I'm glad to say that I don't. So
what are you up to these days?
Well, I started a new life for
myself. I became an insurance agent.
I think we're done talking.
But I haven't even told you yet of
this great offer...
Try it, and die.
...oh. Never mind then.
The only use you might still
have is that you may be able to give me a few pointers.
Pointers? What do you mean,
On how to be evil, of course!
Being an insurance agent, you must be an expert. Any tips on how to take over the world?
Ummm... don't get your foot caught
in a radiator?
Sound advice. Alright then, move
over to that couch in the back, while I bring out the next guest.
Uh, sure... *goes over to said
My second guest will be,
surprise surprise, the Cid from Final Fantasy III!
*walk on stage, arguing*
Dammit, I'm telling you, I'M Final
Fantasy III's Cid!
Yer nuts, everyone knows I'M Final
Fantasy III's Cid!
*facepalms* It's gonna be a
looooooong day...
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