...okay. So, are there any other challengers?
Me! Me!
Hey Macc, I don't mean to put you on the spot or anything, but... this is your show. Wouldn't it make sense for you to do the fighting, be the hero, and all that stuff?
How do you figure that?
What's this I hear? There's going to be a fight and you didn't invite me?
Pika pikachu!
Oh right, I mean us.
Kunoichi! Good timing. Think you can do something about that horribly strong giant over there?
You mean the Ninja-lookalike wearing... ew... pink?
Sure, no sweat.
Yin? You are here as well? This could prove problematic...
The name's Kunoichi, buster! And I'll make sure you'll remember that name!
This guy has a real problem with names. First he calls me Yang, then he calls Kunoichi Yin... wait a minute...
Yin and Yang. That's probably not coincidence.
Hey! Shut up back there, I'm trying to concentrate! And besides... aren't you gonna do anything?
Duh. You expect me to do everything?
Well... yeah.
Don't make me drag you over here.
Aw, nutbunnies.
What do you want?
Hey, if you fight this guy, you're bound to get hurt. And seeing as I'll get hurt then anyway, I might as well fight along with you.
I'm touched.
*chuckles* Well, well... how amusing. Yin and both halves of Yang think they can defeat their essences combined? Do not make me laugh.
Yet, should you fuse together, this could pose a problem. I would rather not have to face myself.
Fuse together? You mean...
Yes... I am the T'ai Chi Joutei, the supreme being formed from the essences of Yin and Yang combined!
*stumbles onto the set* ...shadowy figure... pokéballs... oh, hi, Pikachu... *collapses*
*sweatdrops* Pika...
Way to ruin a perfectly good dramatic moment, Ash.
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