Meanwhile, back in Macc's mind...
I wonder where I am now... some kind of city, it seems.
...hey, isn't that the girl from before?
*looks around nervously before entering a nearby house*
She probably has something to do with all this... I'd
better follow her. *enters the house*
Entering the living room, you find that it has a lived-in, homey atmosphere, every nook and cranny spick and span.
Stop putting thoughts in my mind!
You're one to talk, being inside my mind and all.
Uh... hey look, stuff's happening!
Well! What a strange little visitor!
*shrieks in surprise*
Oh, I see. So you're the one people keep calling
me about. I don't see why they're so worried, you don't look like a criminal.
Boy, you look really tired out. You should go and take a
good, long nap, it'll do you good. Why don't you rest here for a while?
Sure is a trusting fellow, offering that to someone who
apparently just randomly wandered into his house.
I guess I've always been like that.
Macc?! Where the heck did you come from?
It's my mind, I can appear wherever I want.
Alright, alright, I get it... so what the heck is going
here, anyway?
You're looking at my past.
So that guy... he's you in the past?
He doesn't look like a reploid...
That's because he isn't one.
...this isn't going to get any less confusing as we go
along, is it?
'fraid not. It's kinda funny though when you think about
it. First my past comes back to haunt me, and now it's like I'm coming back to haunt my
Uh... yeah. So, why am I seeing this?
Quite simply, because it's what's on my mind.
That girl is a key factor here, I assume.
You've got that right. know, it would be helpful if you actually offered
me some information without me having to ask for it.
Yeah, but what fun would that be?
The scenery begins to fade...
Not again!
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