Meanwhile, at the FARTS set...
Hello? This is supposed to be a talk show, so
let's hear some talking already!
Who are you, and why do you
look like me?
Not both at once, you idiots! Ugh... I can't even tell
which of you is which anymore!
Okay, now I can.
Er... does this kind of stuff happen around here often?
All the time, Thomas. All the time.
Um, no, not exactly...
Alright, next! ...where's Celes?
Before all this got started, she used one of those
famous excuses of hers to not have to do something. She ran off after that.
Dammit! Is whatever condition Ultros and Gilgamesh have
contagious or what? Fine then, I guess we'll just move to the next in line... Cloud!
Ah! Yes! Finally, it's my turn to er... uh... what was
it... can't remember...
Oh come on! That whole 'I forgot' thing was lame enough
in Final Fantasy 8, don't you start!
You're acting like he didn't already forget things all the
Hey, Z. Got rid of Freedan?
The glue of his wig wore off, and he went home crying.
No interruptions! Next!
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.
...'my dear'?
You wanna complain, go put your head in the toilet.
You are a very disturbed little man, you do know that,
don't you?
Wow. He looks like he's about to explode. ...that's
probably not a good thing, is it?
Uh, try to calm down, Vegeta. It looks like he's just in
one of his 'random quoting' moods. It'll pass... eventually.
Grg... *twitches* Is there anyone else who...
How are you gentlemen! All your talkshow are belong to us!
That's it! You all die now!
Wait! I have urgent news!
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