Later, in Dr. Doppler's lab...
And this is how you found him?
Yep. Completely out cold. Non-responsive to any amount of
shouting or poking.
Even the firings of the huge canon I brougt didn't wakes
Macc is obviously in some kind of deep coma. The cause,
however, eludes me.
It's a mystery I will try my best to solve, if you'll
give me a minute...
Sure. He's not going anywhere. *chuckles*
Hey, why are you still standing? I thought everything
that happened to Macc happened to you.
I don't know, but I'm not complaining.
Seems like whatever happened affected only Macc on a
personal level.
Yes, and...?
...and, nothing. Just pointing that out.
A-ha! I've found it!
You founds the cuase of Macc's coma?
Huh? Oh, I figured that out half a minute ago. I was
talking about my collection of typhoid bacteria, I was wondering where I put that.
...Okay, I don't even want to know. Just tell us what's
wrong with Macc, will you?
Certainly. Macc has suffered a massive cortical shock.
By now, my equipment should be just about done deducing the exact cause, so... ...well,
how interesting.
Hm? What's interesting?
Yeah doc, tells us!
His mind seems to be stuck in some kind of infinate
loop. A memory is replaying in his mind over and over again.
What does that mean, exactly?
What it means is that without Macc to enforce the
contract, I'm finally free! And I know just how to celebrate the occasion. Sayonara,
suckers! *disappears*
Well, that can't be good.
Of course it's good! This gives me an excellent
opportunity to test out my new invention!
Gee, you always seem to have a new invention ready just
when one is needed most.
Convenient, isn't it?
Very. So what is it this time?
A machine which scans people's minds for looping images
and displays them on a computer screen!
Wait a minute, that's a little too convenient...
when did you come up with that?
Just now, while we were talking.
...okay, now that's just...
Look, are we going to argue about this, or do you want
to see this? I thought so. Now then... behold! *pushes a few buttons on his console*
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