What does this mean?
I'm not sure. But we can find out. How, you ask? With my
latest invention...
But this memory viewing thing was your lastest invention!
Oh, come on. That was a minute ago.
Right then, like I said... my latest invention! *pushes
a few buttons on his console, and what looks like a small grappling hook pops out of the
side of Macc's helmet* Ta-da!
Errr... what's that supposed to be?
And how the heck did you install that thing? You never even
touched Macc!
Patience, patience... I will explain everything. This
device enables one to link minds. If he were conscious, Macc could use it to
"visit" someone else's mind. In the reverse setting, someone using the mind link
device would be able to explore Macc's mind, and perhaps remove the cause of his current
That still doesn't explain how you installed that thing.
No, I suppose it doesn't. AS I was saying... I'll need a
volunteer for this experiment. It would be best if it were someone who is likely to be
able to assist with problems of the mind.
What? Me? N-nah, I'm not really that smart, that's just
an act, really, ha ha...
What's the square root of 66049?
257. ...rats, you tricked me.
C'mon Maz, it for Macc.
*sighs* Oh, all right... what do I have to do?
Just lie down on the bed next to Macc, and relax.
Okay... *lies down on the bed*
And remember, while you're linked, you will be viewing
Macc's memories. Everything you see has already happened, so you won't be able to change
the outcome. All you can change is Macc's views on the outcome.
So how exactly do I snap him out of it?
I don't know, this is the first time I've done something
like this. *places the mind-linking device on Mazrim's forehead*
Great. ...hey, this isn't dangerous or anything, right?
Of course not. The worst that could happen is that you
get yourself caught in the loop and stay trapped in Macc's mind forever.
What?! *the claw-like device attaches itself to Mazrim's
forehead, and he loses consciousness*
There. It's all up to your friend now.
Anything we can do?
(through the intercom) I'll tell you what you can do!
Listen up! Everyone in the building who's not a) in a coma or b) Dr. Doppler, get your
lazy carcasses over to the FARTS set. That means you!
I had to ask.
But we're not even part of the FARTS staff.
I doubt Vegeta cares.
Guess we better go. Seeya, doc. Take good care of Macc
and Maz.
Oh, I'll take care of them alright. Muhahahaha!
Er... maybe one of us should stay here to keep an eye on
the good doctor.
I'll does it, leaves it to me! You guys covre for me,
Sure thing, Lun. Well, let's be off then...
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