Day 5

9.30 AM

Okay, I was wrong. Somehow I just can't get a restful sleep over here. Now I gotta hurry to still be in time for breakfast. Bah... did I mention I hate mornings?

10.30 AM

Browsing through our diminishing supply of brochures, we learn of a nearby amusement park called Panorama Park Sauerland. Well, hey, why the heck not? Sounds like it could be amusing.

12.30 PM

Either these car rides are getting to quite uneventful, or I'm just getting tired of 'm altogether. Regardless, we went, we drove, we arrived. 'nuff said. And damn, is this park expensive. You'd think we were visiting Disney Land, or something. This better be worth it. But of course, first order of business is to find some place where we can get some french fries. Hey, what did you expect? We /are/ on vacation to enjoy ourselves after all, this is just obligatory.

2.00 PM

Captain's log, stardate... whatever. We just entered a log-shaped vessel and got tossed into the water. I guess you could say we're all washed up. Heh... sorry, it's the park, it's driving me corny. Just too bad there's nothing really fast on this side of the park apparently, so now we're taking what was supposed to be a train to the other side of the park. However, turns out it's actually a tractor pulling a few carts ahead. Ah well, it'll get us to where we're going, at least. And hey, whaddaya know... the two halves of the park are seperated by another one of them Wildparks. Nothing surprises me anymore. 'course, being the animal lover that I am, I once again got a box of animal chow for the critters.

2.15 PM

Neat, the tractor stopped right in the middle of a field where deer walk around freely. They're definately used to the tourists; they ran along all the way 'til the vehicle stopped, and now they're virtually climbing aboard to get to that food of ours.

2.20 PM

*sneezes* Still allergic to deer. *sneezes*

2.30 PM

End of the line. Hey, whaddaya know, there's a show involving birds of prey held here that's about to start. Man, we sure do get everywhere at just the right moment.

3.00 PM

Wow, quite an impressive showing. Eagles, falcons, a vulture, an owl and a condor. Magnificent creatures, gotta love 'm. But really, it's become high time we find some of the more speedy attractions.

4.20 PM

I think we can safely conclude that mission was accomplished. Two rollercoasters, some karts (heavily toned down, but we could still race 'm), and a longer and faster luge than the one we went to yesterday. Yeah, all in all, I'd say this was quite the fun-filled day. ...though I still feel this lingering pain in the wallet.

6.00 PM

We're on the way back... I dunno what's wrong with me, but I suddenly feel so very tired...

7.10 PM

The guys had to wake me up for dinner. And I still don't feel rested... well anyway, dinner consists of soup made from the leftover vegetables of the previous days - I'm not kidding, there was cauliflower in it, and broccoli... awfully familiar -, more random veggies, another piece of meat that tastes like chicken, and the gazillionth variation on french fries. About the only remarkable thing was that there was a piece of lemon on the meat for some reason, that was a nice touch. Oh, and a busload of old people just checked into the hotel. Great. Damn, and I thought senior citizens were supposed to be quiet people. Don't they ever shut up? I'll be surprised if I manage to get outta here without any damage to my auditory receptors.

8.30 PM

The guys want to go take another aimless walk. I'm really not much in the mood, but I'm not gonna be the only one who stays behind.

9.10 PM

Okay, you'll never believe where we ended up. We started going uphill just for fun, see where it led to. Well, it led to the highest point in Winterberg, which happens to be the site of a ski jump. Of course it's not used at this time of year... and so there was noone around to stop us from climbing the thing all the way to the top. So, here we are. Doubt this is actually legal. We had to climb over enough fences to get here, anyway. ...I'm not really sure why I'm even up here. Nice view, though.

10.00 PM

Playing Hearts at the hotel again. Damn I'm tired.

11.00 PM

I left the others back there... I'm at the hotel room by myself now. I got really irritable during the game, so I doubt they minded much. I'm telling you, this rhythm of sleep is just no good for me. I need to get back to going to bed somewhere past 3 AM and not getting up until the afternoon. I never get this way when I do that. *sigh* Well, better be going to bed then, I've had just about enough of the conscious world for now...

Proceed to Day 6 ----->