You vaporized Dark Macc!!

Yeah, well...

Actually... remember that noone dies on camera, so Dark Macc isn't dead, just blown clear.

....... Say, wanna blast someone else?


Eep! *flees*

Say, you seem quite handy. What say you join my crew?

Nah. I really have to get going soon. Universe to dominate and all.

Oh well. Say, can I get your autograph? Right here on this soul-sealing contract-looking piece of paper?

Yeah sure, no problem... Say, what's all this small type that looks suspiciously like fine print... Hey!

Damn... oh come on, sign it.


Sign it!


Sign it!!


God damn it! Sign it!!

No! I'm getting the hell outta here.

No! You can't leave! Cids! Attack!

*jump up from the couch and run up to Bob, growling madly*

What the hell?!

*latch onto Bob*

AHHH!!! Get 'em off! Get 'em off!!

Yes! Yes! Attack! Gouge out his eyes!

He's wearing shades...

After a loud "BLAM!!" and a blinding flash, Bob is instantly cleared of all Cids. Pieces of various Cids fly everywhere, landing on stage and in the audience.

Okay, now I'm mad.

You may have beaten my Cids, but you'll never defeat... PIKACHU! *throws Pokéball*


........... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *creates a dimensional portal and quickly flees through it*

........... You forgot to use deodorant again, didn't you, Pikachu?


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