Alright, what do you two want?

Isn't it obvious? Pikachu, of course.

You're not getting Pikachu!

Hm hm hm... that's what you think, shorty.

Yeah! We've got a foolproof plan this time!

I think you've already done a good job at proving you're fools.

Everyone's a critic. You'll soon be eating those words!

I wouldn't mind eating something myself...

Shut up James, this is no time to be thinking about food.

Why don't you both shut up? We already know you're going to fail.

A talking Dratini! We're gonna be rich!

Forget Pikachu! Grab that Dratini!


As Jessie and James approach Dragon Sage, the floor starts to creak loudly.

Huh? Uh-oh...

The floor cracks open, and Team Rocket, as well as Dragon Sage, Ash and Bulbasaur plummet downwards.

Well great! This is just great! My whole HQ is falling apart!

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